MOLECULAR BIOLOGY: It is the most modern branch of biology which deals with the study of structure and functions of those molecules which are involved in the making of cell and its various parts, such as mitochondria, plastids etc. Without understanding of molecular biology, the mechanism of life may not be properly understood.
MICROBIOLOGY: There are a very big number of organisms, which are very small and may only be seen with the help of microscope. Study of such organisms (for example virus and bacteria) is done in microbiology.
MARINE BIOLOGY: It is estimated that 75 % of earth contains water and much of it is marine water. Life is not only found on earth but much of it lives in marine water. Study of organisms, which live in marine water, is done in Marine biology.
FRESH WATER BIOLOGY: 4 percent of total water available on earth is fresh water. Main examples of fresh water are ponds, lakes and rivers. Many plant and animal organism also live in fresh water, hence their study is called fresh water biology.
PARASITOLOGY: Many organisms live as parasites in or on other animals called hosts. The parasites not only obtain their food from host, but may cause dangerous diseases. These organisms are studied in Parasitology. The knowledge of parasitology helps in the treatment and control of parasitic diseases.
HUMAN BIOLOGY: This branch of biology gives us complete understanding of human beings and their biological systems, such as anatomy, physiology, embryology, evolution, genetics and general health.
SOCIAL BIOLOGY: This branch of biology deals with the study of interactions between the individuals of populations or different animal species and their impact on each other.
BIOTECHNOLOGY: This branch of biology deals with the use of biological techniques towards the betterment of human kind. Biotechnology helps us in producing disease free fruits, vegetables and crops. It also helps us to solve problems of food deficiency by improving the breeding and production potential of animals